Source: Trial Site News

Yet another ivermectin lawsuit was launched, this time in South Florida, as a Ryan Drock seeks to compel a local hospital, Palm Gardens Medical Center, to treat his seriously ill 47-year-old wife Tamara Drock with the drug.  Hospitalized for severe COVID-19, the Florida resident was put in a medically induced coma and has depended on a ventilator for the past two weeks. The plaintiff hired the specialist law firm of Ralph Lorigo, who reports that even though the hospital protocol has failed the patient, “The hospital has refused to provide her Ivermectin.”

Mainstream Press Censors & Suppresses Material Information

While the mainstream press, in this case, NBC Miami, the mainstream press reports that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned against taking the drug used for animals to treat COVID-19. The plaintiff is asking for the human variety, approved the FDA with a stellar safety record. In fact, as TrialSite reported today, Ivermectin is just one of three antivirals listed on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) antiviral drugs either approved or under consideration targeting COVID-19. Under no circumstances would the drug be listed here if it didn’t show promise. None of the mainstream media bring up this point as they are following a carefully crafted narrative to keep people away from the drug.

Rich Safety Data

While ivermectin has established a stellar safety record with over 3.8 billion doses administered to people over the past four decades, each and every mainstream article works the same. They select an academic physician that typically depends on NIH funding and asks them to issue a warning. In this case, Dr. Gabriel Ruiz, assistant professor of surgery and critical care at the University of Miami, declared for NBC Miami, “In cases of overdoing, which we have seen in the United States, hives, seizures, coma, and even death” follow.

But TrialSite shares the ivermectin safety record is actually the opposite of what the media is currently spinning. For example, a study authored by Dr. Carlos Chaccour et al. include some of the world’s top ivermectin specialists. In their 2016 study titled “Efficacy and Safety of High-Dose Ivermectin for Reducing Malaria Transmission (IVERMAL): Protocol for a Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Finding Trial in Western Kenya,” the authors declare that “Ivermectin has a wide therapeutic index and previous studies have shown doses up to 2000mcg/kg (i.e., 10 times the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved dose) are well tolerated and safe; the highest dose used for onchocerciasis is a single dose of 800 mcg.”

The Mectizan program in Africa and the tropics involves billions of doses administered to people with a stellar safety record. Moreover, 64 studies have been methodically tracked for efficacy and safety. While the FDA and NIH don’t align with many of the studies findings (too small and not statistically powered, variable data collecting methods, etc.), mounting evidence exists that the drug provides some benefit. Again, the NIH wouldn’t list the drug as one of three candidates unless a substantial hypothesis was behind use.

TrialSite also recently investigated reports of overdoses from the FDA and CDC. We found that these were well overblown. The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) reports a three-fold increase in ivermectin-related calls, but 99% of these led to no problem.

Exactly 1% of the calls were categorized as serious, but it’s not clear if they required hospitalization. According to the data, no one died from ivermectin, yet four had already died from consumption of hand sanitizer.

TrialSite’s founder Daniel O’Connor shared, “The CDC just read a report that the APPCC reported a three-fold increase in calls to the 55 poison control centers around the nation and took the liberty to use that high-level bit of information to propagate fear, uncertainty, and doubt.” O’Connor continued, “Our analyst secured the APPCC data and found a very different situation. While prescriptions skyrocketed over 2,000% across the nation since the pandemic, calls to poison control centers went up from 435 to 1,143.  80% of the calls were a mere false alarm while only 1% (representing 11 calls) were deemed serious.” 

Also, the founder continued, “The media conflates the use of the drug off-label with a licensed prescribing doctor and self-medication with the veterinary variety which no responsible professional condones.” He suggested, “a well-orchestrated messaging campaign to discredit the drug really only makes people more mistrustful of the entire system.”

The Plaintiff’s Demand

Ryan Drock wants to do anything within his power to save his wife’s life. The hospital’s protocol has failed, and they are simply now waiting for her to die. There is no reason to not accept a properly prescribed dose for her in a bid to save her life—unless they have turned into something other than a health care institution.

Attorney Lorigo went on the record that the drug could be what Ms. Drock needs to survive her battle with COVID-19 declaring, “Having done a number of these around the country, people do die at her age. It’s a shocking set of circumstances.”

The Health Center

The hospital holding Mrs. Drock is called Palm Gardens Medical CenterNBC 6 apparently tried to elicit a response, but they are keeping quiet at this point. Part of the Palm Beach Health Network, this 199-bed acute care hospital has handled medical and surgical needs for Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast of Florida for the past half-century.

The hospital’s chief is Teresa C. Urquhart, who is trained as a health administrator and not in medicine.

Call to Action: TrialSite follows ivemectin litigation—if you have some information you want investigated, contact us.

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