Source: Trial Site News

TrialSite recently reported on the efforts of Nebraska AG Douglas Peterson to ensure that physicians are allowed to, in their professional discretion, use ivermectin and HCQ off-label for COVID-19 treatment. Twenty-four state AG’s have threatened to sue over federal vaccine mandates. In the meantime, another state AG also stepped into the COVID-19 regulation space. On September 7, Jeff Landry of Louisiana wrote his state’s pharmacy board to advise that they not interfere with COVID-19 prescriptions. We cannot locate the letter on Landry’s government website, but a copy is posted on Twitter.

On September 27, The Blaze offered us some more details about Landry’s goals. “Never have pharmacists been allowed to practice medicine and get between a doctor and his patient,” Landry told The Blaze. “Most certainly not in the middle of a pandemic.”

Predating Peterson’s actions, Landry was the first AG to publicly notify pharmacists not to block COVID medications such as ivermectin. The Louisiana AG’s letter was in response to an August memorandum from that state’s Board of Pharmacy entitled, “Do not Use Ivermectin to Treat of Prevent COVID-19.” The September 7 letter reminds the pharmacists that FDA has long approved off-label use of drugs by doctors, “when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient.” Landry cited the Louisiana Medical Practice Act, which bars pharmacists from diagnosing or treating illness, and he notes that they have effectively been doing this by requesting diagnoses from physicians before filling prescriptions. “Upon reviewing this act, I find nothing that would allow the board to second guess the sound medical judgment of a physician when it comes to prescribing legal drugs to their patients, nor do I see anything that allows pharmacists generally to object to off-label use of FDA approved drugs,” offered Landry.

Big Chains Intruding into Doctor-Patient Relationship?

When a Blaze reporter asked about pharmacists’ rights to deny contraception in some states, Louisiana’s AG noted, “I don’t know where their conscience was when they were giving out opioids like M&Ms—-Ivermectin is not even a scheduled drug. All of a sudden they found a conscience.”

Per The Blaze, Landry thinks that pushing back against “woke” censorship of news about effective COVID-19 treatments is key to preserving both health and freedom: “What’s always been great about American health care is that we allowed our doctors to practice their trade freely and do what’s best for their patients. What’s happening now is that big chain pharmacies are determining whether to treat this virus. That was never, ever the job of the pharmacist. After verifying it’s a legitimate prescription by a licensed doctor, they no longer have any license to do anything but fill the prescription.”

24-48 Hour Window

The Blaze also reports that physicians in all 50 states have noted pharmacist resistance to filling certain prescriptions. “It’s not just ivermectin,” said Missouri ICU doctor Mollie James. “I’ve had patients refused for any reason.

Pharmacists have told them the scripts were ‘flagged’ as for COVID and ‘kicked out’ all of the scripts. I’ve had pharmacists refuse to fill an antibiotic for someone because they ‘think we’re using it to treat COVID.’” As one who worked in NYC ICUs from early in the pandemic, Dr. James argues that treatment from “day one” is key. “I regularly have patients infuriated and in tears, because they are sick and scared to death they will end up in a hospital because they can’t get their medications. There is a predictable timeline, and if people are having trouble breathing, I have about 24-48 hours to get them treated or they will end up in a hospital on oxygen. I can get anyone meds in 3-5 days, but sometimes that’s not enough.”

Candy and Hemlock

Since the Landry letter, the pharmacy board updated its guidance and said that they have no policy about ivermectin. “As a reminder, pharmacists have the right to exercise discretion when presented with any prescription, including ivermectin,” offered Malcolm Broussard, executive director of the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy.

Landry is still concerned, and he thinks there is a “war” on supply leading to scarcity of medications like ivermectin. This is leading to prices much higher than a generic off-patent drug should cost. And insurance firms are also “balking” at ivermectin prescriptions at a time when many patients can’t afford the prices at smaller boutique pharmacies.

Landry also notes that pharmacies hand out vaccines “like candy,” while the Nobel-winning ivermectin is attacked, “like it’s hemlock.”

Finally, the AG asks why: “Why would the government want to discourage doctors working with their patients to try to find drugs that can therapeutically heal American citizens, especially when they are more effective and cost-effective?”

Nebraska Attorney General: Physicians Should be Allowed to Use Off-Label Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19

Dr. John Littell, a family practice doctor, has taken a controversial stand while championing medications such as Ivermectin in the fight against Covid.

Covid Conversations: 8 prominent doctors & scientists engage in a remarkable exchange

Stark madness to ban ivermectin

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