
Source: Twitter. Author: Be your own Advocate

Watch, as James Michael Hartley tells his hydroxychloroquine experience.

With symptoms that mimicked a bad case of the flu, he went to the ER when it got so bad that he couldn’t breathe. He thought he probably wasn’t going to see his kids again, but instead of medical assistance, he was turned away without help.

His wife located a doctor who put him on a hydroxychloroquine protocol, which he feels saved his life.

Related: Abilene man who was hospitalized with COVID-19 claims hydroxychloroquine saved his life

After 13 ER visits, woman with COVID-19 needed to travel to Dallas for hydroxychloroquine treatments

Enacting ‘Right to Try’ Act for Hydroxychloroquine Saves 99-year-old Little Rock woman from Covid-19

Bon Jovi Keyboardist Took Hydroxychloroquine For Coronavirus and Improved

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