Coronavirus (Italy) – From North to South 1039 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine at home. The end result: “Collapse of hospitalisations”

Source: ilfattoquotidiano
“I am a doctor and, positive for Covid19 , I immediately took hydroxychloroquine : in 3-4 days the fever and the other symptoms disappeared “. This is how Paola Varese , head of cancer medicine at the Ovada hospital in Piedmont , begins. “I applied the same protocol on myself that I planned for 276 patients at home,” continues Varese , stressing that “timely intervention by family doctors in patients’ homes is essential, with hydroxychloroquine associated with heparin (and if necessary the ‘ antibiotic ). It is presumable – he says – that the collapse of the hospitalisation is due to the immediate use of the drug : we only had 7 hospitalisations: according to the projected expectations of the ISS we should have had 55 “.

Hydroxychloroquine is one of the treatments against Coronavirus being tested , and is approved by AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency). The pioneer in this field is the Director of Hematology-Oncology of Piacenza, Luigi Cavanna . It was the first in Italy to use it, an intuition that is proving significant . “Since February 25, I have treated 209 patients and in 90% of cases the response has been positive . Hospitalisations have collapsed: from 30% of hospitalised (serious or moderate cases) to less than 5% “. The change, according to Cavanna, came with administration of hydroxychloroquine from the early stages of the disease , when patients were at home, and resulted in the hospitalisation of very few cases in acute conditions. A treatment that, according to preliminary data collected and systematised by 5 different ASLs on 1,039 patients, is working throughout Italy .

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